Sunday, February 18, 2007

I don't just stare at my manure pile and dream of colors and textures and lovely projects. I put my inspiration to good use. This one must have been thought up while looking at the little red worms. This hat was a very fun project. It has cables, and bobbles, and ribs and garter stitches. The pattern is called Braid & Bobble Hat by Carolyn Doc. I had so much fun making it that I offered to make one for my husband in black with a little orange so he could wear it while riding his Harley. I can just see him now one bitter cold day as he pulls off his helmet at the Harley store for a hog meeting, that little orange braid would be swinging away. I know Lily's husband, also a member of the Harley family, would be so envious that he would beg Lily to make him one too. Well... My husband said " have got to be kidding!". So OK , that's the end of that little day dream, I'm sure tomorrow well supply me with something new to think about.


Carol said...

Yes, Jo, I think our Harley guys might get picked on if they wore these hats to a "HOG" meeting! LOL Perhaps WE should jump on the back of those bikes wearing these bobbles and braids!

Mary said...

I love this hat -- I'm knitting it right now and it's a lot of fun. I like your red version!