Yep, Joe Jackson. Another good song. I guess Lilly started something when she used a song for her title. Even though there are no rules, I kinda like this one. And, I kinda like the fact that I'm in another challenge with my Michigan friend, "Wik'd Wench," to see who completes the most miles by this Saturday. I'm "Bustin' Booty" in case you didn't guess and I also happen to be in the lead. Imagine that. Yes, they do have below freezing temps and 8-9" of snow is expected over the next two days but she has been known to strategize and I wouldn't be surprised if she has a trip to Costco planned sometime this week. The rules are we must sync (upload our miles) each evening until the 14th. Thursday and Friday we can walk until we drop and keep our mileage to ourselves so we will have no clue how far the other person has walked, or if they are still alive, for that matter. Then we upload for the final time on Saturday at 9 p.m. EST, even though it is only 6 p.m. PST, and I am getting cheated out of 3 hours of walking. Just so you know...in case I lose. One more thing. Yesterday I set out on my walk/run, enjoying the mild weather and wearing shorts, mind you. In February. Yes, in Seattle. No, it wasn't raining. Anyway, I was feeling good and had lots of energy for a change, listening to some good music (I think it was "Dance Naked" by John Mellencamp), when it occurred to me I hadn't heard Lance talking to me. Well, I knew I had passed the mile mark and the 1.5 mile mark and I started getting rattled and when I get rattled I break out in a hot flash and even though I was wearing shorts I still got hot. I stopped and pulled my ipod out of the armband and wouldn't you know it, I forgot to push the center button to begin my workout! Of all the stupid things this should not be one of them because there is no way the "Wik'd Wench" is going to believe me. I was out at least 1.5 -1.75 miles. Ugh. Another goof-up. I wonder what would happen if I put my ipod and sensor in Lilly's milkbox?
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