No, that makes you normal . . . at least in our family! I love mojitos but you can't find a good one in Pennsylvania. Guess that means a trip to islands or something.
We are 3 women Flo, Jo and Lilly, (not our real names) who thought a blog would be a fun way to share some of our knitting projects, completed or not, and anything else that is of interest to us. We all have families and various interests such as gadgets, horses, photography, music, etc... which we will incorporate into this blog from time to time. There are no rules because, frankly, some of us don't like to follow rules. Jo and Lilly, on the other hand, enjoy rules. They have been known to take on the name of "Rhonda Rulebook" from time to time. As you will soon see rules are important for some things in life but not necessarily EVERYTHING.
If you are confused by the name, "Three Bags Full", don't worry about it. I didn't get it the first time Lilly mentioned it to me (her idea for the name). I laughed the way I tend to do when I know something should be funny, but inside my head I was frantically triggering neurons to no avail. She finally broke out in song, "Bah bah black sheep have you any wool...." Ahhhh silly me. Silly you, too, if you didn't get it.
No, that makes you normal . . . at least in our family! I love mojitos but you can't find a good one in Pennsylvania. Guess that means a trip to islands or something.
Well, if you like Mango, Cactus restaurant in Seattle makes a MEAN Mango Mojito! You can't just drink one!
You are a lounge lizard. Next time we go to Cactus you must wear though socks, so hurry up and finish them!
I'm ready for a Mojito. Hurry and finish your sock so you can wear them to Cactus and be a true Lounge Lizard.
You might think I've had several Mojito's....
I tried to fix the first comment I left because I meant to write "those" instead of "though", but it didn't work so here I am for a 3rd attempt!
Oh Flo, I'm going to rename you "Mojito MaMa"!!!
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