I've decided that this is the year of the sock for me. I have knit lots of socks, but always stockinette stitch on computer dyed yarn. I love knitting socks so much that I wanted to learn some different techniques and use some different patterns. Through my surfing, I discovered the Rockin Sock Club through Blue Moon Fiber Arts I will receive a pattern and yarn every two months for a different sock! What fun. I received my first shipment and as I worked on it, it kept reminding me of SOMETHING. At first I thought it was a Hammerhead Shark. No, wrong color, wrong texture. Then if finally occured to me it was a crocodile. Well, to expand on this story, the Blue Moon Fiber Arts company decided to let it's members name a color range of yarns. You could send in ONE suggestion that had something to do with the "Tides". They had already named one "Tidepool". After all the suggestions were in, they would choose ten for the 2000 members to vote on. Well, a bit of discussion broke out on the Blog, because the owners picked all light hearted names like "Socktopus" and "Show me your Mussells". Several members wanted some choices of serious names. I submitted a serious name, and NO mine wasn't chosen, but I felt it wasn't world peace. The prize was yarn and it's not like I have any shortage of THAT in my house. Well, I decided I just wanted to show that I DO have a lighter side to my personality, so I decided to rename my sock for February! Instead of Inside Out Sock in color Monsoon, mine is NOW Crocodile Rockin Sock! Just my attempt to bring a little lightheartedness to the matter. Keep rockin in your socks to the Crocodile Rock!
PS. My sock didn't really grow eyes, I couldn't resist!
Love the new name!
Cute name! It's fun to take a lighthearted approach to things :)
You know, I thought mine looked like it had scales as well. Considering that this was one of my favorite Elton John songs as a kid (something about the long LAs) I love it! Absolutely the perfect antidote for the Tidepool issue. Mine wasn't chosen either . . . it was "The Tide Is High" since I am a huge Blondie fan and I couldn't come up with anything else.
I love the name and would like to share.
Yes, it does look like a crocodile! Have you seen the Yarn Harlot's blog? She posted a picture of her Feb sock in progess that was a bit "risque" you could say. You have to take a look because many others have said that theirs looks the same so as mine is taking shape thats all I can think of. Now I can call it the crocodile rock sock! I wasnt to upset about the names they chose. I do understand why people would be upset though. The name I submitted was
"Tide dyed-in-the-wool"
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