My name is Lilly. I am a bagaholic. I've finally owned up to it in hopes I can be cured. I haven't counted my bags, but I know it is at least ten times more than I need. Yet, again, I found myself walking out of Renaissance Yarns yesterday with a new bag. How could I resist? This bag is SO roomy and so beautiful and it has all the textures one could hope for. The shiny silk is beautiful and the colorful lining is SO happy! This will be my favorite bag until the next one catches my eye, or until my other new bag (Lexie Barnes) arrives from the east coast!!! Yikes did I just spill the beans that I have yet bought another bag this week? Oh, well, a girl has to look good while knitting right? Just out of curiousity, how many bags do YOU have?
PS. The little bag in front is a matching notions bag. I HAD to buy that right? Right?